Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost (Eupatorium cannabinum) "Eupatorium" by Nigel Jones is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum)


Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) usually thrives in moist meadows, wet meadow fallows, on the banks of ditches and streams, or along forest edges and in woodlots. Common waterwort is a nutrient and moisture indicator.


Hemp-agrimony is a deciduous, perennial, herbaceous plant that reaches growth heights of 50 to 175 centimeters. The erect, short-haired, richly leafy stem, branched only in the upper part, often has a reddish tinge. The stem leaves are arranged opposite and usually palmate with 3-5 pinnae with toothed leaf margins. The total inflorescence contains numerous, small, dense, partial inflorescences. The corollas contain four to six tubular flowers of five pink, rarely white petals. The flowering period is from July to September

Special Features?

Hemp-agrimony is widespread throughout Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. In North America and Australia it is a neophyte. Insects love the Hemp-agrimony.

 EupatoriumCannabinum c

"Eupatorium cannabinum 1" by Hladac is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0