Amerikanischer Stinktierkohl in Blüte (Lysichiton americanus) "File:Yellow Skunk Cabbage - - 605523.jpg" by Jonathan Billinger is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

American skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanus)


The Armerican skunk abbage or yellow skunk cabbage was spread to Europe through the garden trade and parks and originated in North America. Lysichiton plants can grow up to 1.2 m tall under favorable conditions on semi-shaded, nutrient-rich and acidic sites near bodies of water. They develop leaves up to 50 cm wide. This competitive effect can push back typical animal and plant species, such as sphagnum mosses, marsh violets, and orchids. Lysichiton americanus can thus pose a threat to the vegetation of wetland sites, including, for example, spring sites.


Amerivan skunk cabbage grows best in nutrient-rich soils, wetlands and moist forests with shade. But also occurs on the banks of standing or flowing water.


SAmerican skunk cabbage is a large swamp perennial with strikingly large, undivided, stalked, tobacco-like leaves that can grow up to 1.5 m long. The plant grows close to the ground and does not grow particularly tall. The attractive inflorescence, a green 12-20 cm long spadix surrounded by a yellow bracts (spatha), appears in early spring before the leaves. Berry fruits with 1-4 seeds each are formed on it. The inflorescence and fruit set is thus similar to that of the native arum. The leaves of the native arum at arrow-shaped, sometimes black spotted leaves that are not longer than 30 cm.

Distribution in Luxembourg:

 Stinktierkohl Blaetter

The large leaves of skunk cabbage

„Korina 2010-08-10 Lysichiton americanus 1“ by Katrin Schneider is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


The yellow flower of skunk cabbage

"File:Yellow Skunk Cabbage - - 605523.jpg" by Jonathan Billinger is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.